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Europa's Posts

Well Olive, let's hope we learn from our past mistakes.

14 Jun 2008

Yes I had heard that there was a previous farmers' market and that it folded. Am told that one reason was that no-one was too sure when it was on, that the farmers weren't that local (Somerset) and that it wasn't publicised that well. Sooooo, if the local (30miles around Dawlish) produce (more than just food) market does get organised I understand that it will be well publicised and when it will ...

14 Jun 2008

Well, let us see shall we? You may be right you may be wrong. With regard to the local Farmers' Market, I believe it is hoped that a local produce market may start up in Dawlish come the autumn. Local = 30 miles around Dawlish and local produce as opposed to just farmers' produce so that things such as craftwork, paintings & pottery can be sold as well as food. Does that meet with your ...

13 Jun 2008

Er......I think the idea is to draw people into Dawlish so that they may then also spend some money in the shops. Or would you prefer that no effort at all was made to help the town centre shops?

13 Jun 2008

Dawlish Chamber of Trade & Commerce

13 Jun 2008

The Lawn, Dawlish. Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd June 9am-5pm Continental traders from France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Holland & Poland. Brittany biscuits, olives, Swedish cider, Italian nougat, cheeses, saucissons, charcuterie, breads, croissants, freshley cooked crepes. Also, leather items, soaps, lavender and children's toys.