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DJ's Posts

Why would it be better to have a local person?  Genuinely interested to know what real advantage that would be.  And did you just mean someone who happen to live here, rather than someone born here/long term resident.  What defines them as local? As far as I can see it doesn't matter where the person is from, as long as they can do the job and do it well.  That means a certain skill base is ...

I actually quite like the look of it, it is a bit different and that's not necessarily a bad thing.  Do like the idea of a grass seeded roof though Mcjrpc, that could look very nice.

14 May 2014

No Carer you didn't mention any names, but it was blindingly obvious who you meant from your comment ".... from the bully herself, you know who" You clearly like to dish it out, but don't like receiving comments back from others about your behaviour, which frankly has been childish in the extreme.  And so has Mrs C's on many occasions.  I think the point that was being made by Mjrpc, that ...

FredBassett you should be ashamed of yourself for implying that people who work at Subway are brain dead and that the work they do isn't worthy of being called a job.  If they are in work and doing the best that can in that job, why shouldn't they be proud of it and why should they have to put up with those kind of insults?  It helps no-one.

totally agree - people who cheat the system are wrong

@roberta modern apprenticeships aren't perfect but they do allow children in education to see that there is another path for those who are better with hands on stuff than academic stuff.  my nephew recently completed an apprenticeship and is now fully employed and loving what he does, his gcse results were pretty dreadful because he just couldn't cope with the academic side, but at what he does ...

17 Jan 2014

@Lynne that was kind of the point i made in my other post lynne about a small increase actually ending up with people no better off.  what it does also mean though is that because the lowest wage has increased, then most businesses would have to increase the wages above that level to keep a difference between them, so actually more people would then see an increase as a result of it and that is ...

A country cannot survive without wealth creators and there is nothing stopping anyone becoming an entrepreneur and making their way up the ladder to financial security and becoming a wealth creator for others.  But in this country we really do love to hate people once they become successful don't we?  How on earth are we supposed to teach our children to have aspirations for the future when all ...

@Lynne , i believe it was discussed in length yesterday on various programmes that this will have an estimated zero effect on the treasury and is therefore seen as a neutral proposal.  but then it seems he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, you can't have it both ways.  either people want the minimum wage to be raised to nearer a living wage or not.  yes, the amount paid in top up ...