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Merlin228's Posts

@Carer on that premisis does that also mean those with a waste disposal system, the type that mulches food ect and then goes into the waste water system mean they are also in breach of tdc new waste disposal regulations?

@Lynne does the above mean then that the mp's , lords n ladies ect are going to give up thier second homes and stately massions ? this will never happen more of  do as i say than i do !

Thank you for replies, most helpful.

26 Jul 2015

Does anyone know or could recommend a good painter and decorator please. We need some work to be done in kitchen on walls and ceiling which may need some plaster work before paint, Thank You.

And there I was thinking that the conservative and the monster raving loony party where one and the same after the last few post about right to buy!

Having travelled around europe it seems to me that we the people of UK are in the minority in having this obsession in home ownership compared to renting. Maybe it's those at the top who started this two tier society of the few and then the rest to show who's better off than others, which still seems to be alive today as those who rent are still looked down on as less successful by those who buy.( ...

Election 2015
31 Mar 2015

I will cast my vote at the due time, but now more than ever in the past it is more to do with disagreeing with one party than approving with the others. After all it seems to me that the only reason thy are/want to be MPs is for themselfs and what they can get out of it.

Maybe TDC should of been more positive when they demolished the old buildings and replaced them with just one retailer. Whilst I admit they where looking run down, replacing them all and letting individual traders continue whould of been better in keeping more employed with more variation in goods being sold thus keeping more people at the warren bringing in more income to the area. Dawlish and ...

17 Feb 2015

@Mcjrpc cyclist have always ignored the no cycling signs, when politly pointing this out to them including they could be fined you normaly get told where to go "unpolitly". as i understand it is network rail who can enforce this ( at least along the wall from red rock to boat cove) but never have anyone to do so.

Ok so at first when reading through the discussions once you get past the main issue of the post it seems that it goes into a free for all on who can have a go at whoever the most including some local councillors. At first I thought oh grow up and stop acting like a child who's rattle has been thrown out the pram , but then on further reflection my view changed slightly into the thought that this ...