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General Discussion

25 Sep 2013 Nice one Ed, just resign now.

25 Sep 2013 Nothing to sort out the immigration problems. No mention of investment industry. It is all just a Labour hand out spree to win votes, get in power and completely screw it all up again. ‘Don’t do it for the Labour Party do it for the Country’. What a joke, ...

@DJ , I totally agree, 650 MPs is stupidly high. For example, Plymouth has 3 MPs, each of them doing nothing, so why not just have one MP doing for Plymouth instead?

17 Sep 2013

He often publicly slags off a government idea or policy, without suggesting any ideas himself. He is no use to anyone.

We should all have these stickers.

@leatash , related to useless people not being able to pay their mortgages. Absolutely, he just loves throwing a spanner in the works. Got to get rid of him.

Why has the Government got anything to do with marriage?

An absoluate outrage. This needs to be stopped now. Come on MPs do something for once and get this stupidity stopped. The answer YES, the Tories policies are slowly getting us out of the Labour mess.

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