I do wish you had read my post properly Woodcock, is that too much to ask? Where did I write they are "all" idiots?
" It's funny how so many anti-cyclists are fat arsed burger munchers." Subjective comments are not valid on this thread.
So cyclists ignoring red lights, riding on pavements, and cycling the wrong way along one-way streets is subjective is it?
In my experience "idiots on bikes" form a substantial number in the cycling fraternity. @Fred If you get incriminating footage you should upload it to You Tube so it's there for all to see.
You are so utterly predictable, Oursoul.
I thought you were only posting on Wednesdays, OurSoul? And by the way, you aren't fooling anybody, I don't believe for one moment that this is your first incarnation on this forum.
You might be laughing Dorian, but it did get reported to the webmaster. I am watching you closely.
Ah yes, Dorian, the one who makes comments that could be interpreted as homophobic, that didn't go unnoticed.
Just stating the blindingly obvious, Mrs C.
What a cop-out, Mrs C, you are truly pathetic, full of hot air and nothing else.