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General Discussion

Well it's finally gone! Be interesting to see what it all looks like in daylight @Philip - just a wee bit!! but an awesome job, well done! and well worth the lack of sleep :-d R.I.P. Old Rusty ....... Rust In Pieces, that is! ;-) Right time for some shut eye, me thinks. Night night all ............

7 Oct 2012

UPDATE @ 3am - thier cutting away the bridge

7 Oct 2012

UPDATE @ 1.05am - things starting to move. Crane now in action, looks like the final preparation is underway. That crane beggers belief; arm is extending up to at least 6-8 storys, how it doesn't topple over is amazing. Photos have been updated :-)

7 Oct 2012

UPDATE @ 12.45am - everything still at a standstill. Gear, crane etc all ready to rock n roll, but no low loader as yet to put it on & carry it away

6 Oct 2012

NEWSFLASH - jut spoken with the foreman. Old Rusty will be gone tonight, by about 2am. So if your interested in saying ta ra, coming down to watch the action etc think about being down there around 11.30pm :-) Oh, and I am updating photos throughout the night, for those that are staying wrapped up & indoors. Apologies for quality of night pics, but its just a run of the mill digital camera

4 Oct 2012

For those of you who may have missed it on the other thread, and are interested, I will be posting regular pics (daily once they REALLY get started) of the railway bridge. Today's photo has been posted

Then & now photos
3 Oct 2012

So I didn't dream it! ;-) thanks for that

2 Oct 2012

I think when I first arrived in Dawlish last year, I saw a set of then & now pics of the town or did I dream it? Anyone know / remember this? Because I can't remember where I saw it. This sort of thing fascinates me, so if I dreamt it, I would love to do a series of them mysel if anyone knows of where I can get access to turn of the century (19th/20th) pics?

@frederick - close! Looked for a great vantage point that I could easily take the same shot each time :-) I will take a pic each time any work is done, no matter how minor .... so you may have to play "spot the difference" ;-) As to the order, that's all sorted, the first pic to appear will be the latest one. I did last when I first got here last year see a set of then & now pics of the ...

1 Oct 2012

I did have a letter posted to me, detailing most of what you mentioned. Unfortunately, it has to mis-placed. So if anyone else still has thier copy, I would interested in details too

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