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Dawlish News

So much for Bozo relaxing/ending restrictions!! Anything for votes, stuff those getting ill and dying.

19 Mar 2022

It's not rocket science as to why!!!

Mmmmmm. Can't wait. Hope it is a success.

Sounds like a normal night in our wonderful town!!!

What a complete idiot.

Isn't there a zebra crossing there? Also, are kids taught about road safety these days or do they expect everyone to stop in an instant when they cross the road where they want while looking at something extremely important on their phone!

@DD Not forgetting the graffiti artists.

What about us being slaves to the Romans? Or doesn't that matter? Also in the middle ages when us slaves were referred to as 'Serf's? Or doesn't that matter? Yes people, Us British have been slaves in history but we don't harp on about it!!!!!

Happy Birthday your Majesty.

But as dear Alison got in again, she will sort it out. (Pigs have been fed and ready for take off) I wonder how many people complain about the police but voted that waste of space in again?

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