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Lynne's Posts

See below for the reasons why these three fields were originally dismissed by TDC as not being suitable for development. Has anything changed re the reasons why they should not be developed? Not as far as I am aware. These fields only reappeared as being an option because the landowners and developers with an interest in developing land in Dawlish objected to them being left out given as no land ...

1 Dec 2023

As well as signing the petition you could also make a comment about the need to protect this green space via the latest consultation on the proposed Local Plan. The consultation closes at 5.00pm on 22nd December. Due to the rules of this particular consultation you must start by saying " I support the correction of the settlement limit to the south of Dawlish and rejection of allocating ...

APPLICATIONS for the first wave of the rollout of an expansion of free childcare for working parents will open on January 2, the government has announced today. Eligible working parents of two-year-olds will be able to register to access 15 hours free childcare per week from April 2024. Funding will also be available for new childminders who join the profession or who completed their ...

29 Nov 2023

The BBC would like to hear from those experiencing child care issues Are you pregnant and on a nursery waiting list? Are you unable to extend your childcare hours? Are you travelling long distances for suitable childcare? Share your experiences by emailing . Please include a contact number if you are willing to speak to a BBC journalist. You can also get ...

Don't know what it is like town side of the above junction trying to get out of town, but there is a long tailback going further back than the junction with Warren Road by Warren Copse for traffic trying to get into town (or trying to access Henty Ave, Sandy Lane, Elm Grove Road). Just a heads up.


Well that proved quite successful. More meetings planned for the New Year. Tuesday 16th Jan and Tuesday 23rd Jan 2024. 9.45 - 1.00pm. email for more info and/or to register interest

21 Nov 2023

This is the S106 contribution: The s106 contributions will contribute over £1.25 million of benefit to the local area. Some of these contributions include: • £411,702 link road bridge contributions • £257,358 for the Red Rock Community Facilities contribution • £283,200 for SPA and SAC mitigation • £141,600 for local health facilities • £148,386 for creating a new habitat for the Cirl Bunting • ...