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Dawlish News

If that is the case why isn't that information in the public domain? Or, if it is, where is it?

23 Sep 2017

and another thing that I don't understand about the figures is this; we keep being told that 680 residents responded. But where has this 680 figure come from? I ask because if you add up the number of responses to question 1, question 2 and question 3 (see my post dated 22.9.17 @ 15.44)  then the numbers are 571, 551 and 561 respectively.

22 Sep 2017

Well, that depends doesn't it. I mean, I am sure that those in the town who wish for there to be a playpark on the lawn would say that the town council has indeed listened to, and acted on, what they want/need. Conversely, and staying on the same subject, if the proposal for a playpark had been voted down then those, or some of those, who wish for there to be a playpark on the lawn would ...

22 Sep 2017

Which begs the question: why was there no question asking if people wanted a playpark anywhere on the lawn? Does the answer lie at the Civic Amenities Committee meeting held in June 2016 perhaps? At this meeting it was agreed by those present that the recommendation of the Town Center Development Manager for there to be a playpark on the lawn should be approved and recommended to the ...

22 Sep 2017

And who decided which questions should be asked? The town council did! (From the minutes of the town council meeting held 7th September 2016) The town council approved the following three questions for inclusion in the survey at its meeting held on 14 July 2016: 1. Do you want a Play Park on the Top Lawn between the bandstand and the bowling green in Dawlish Town Centre? 2. ...

22 Sep 2017

Quite. Except that perhaps it should have been the very first question to be asked. I can only imagine that this 77% figure has been reached by adding the 'Yes' % from question 1 (60%) with the 'Yes' % from question 3 (17%). " Lies, damned lies, and statistics " is a phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments . ...

22 Sep 2017

These are the questions that were asked. DAWLISH RESIDENTS 1. Do you want a Play Park on the Top Lawn between the bandstand and the bowling green in Dawlish Town Centre? YES 345 60% NO 226 40% 2. Do you want a Play Park on the Top Lawn between the bandstand and the bowling green of a different size? YES 66 12% NO 485 88% 3. Do you want a Play Park on the Lawn in another ...

22 Sep 2017

Are we going around in circles here? How can 77% of  of residents vote in favour of a playpark on the lawn when the question was not even asked of the residents? Please can someone show where and when it was that residents were asked "Do you want a playpark anywhere on the lawn?"

22 Sep 2017

The town clerk is an employee of the council. She was not elected into post she was appointed. That the town clerk is commenting on all of this is not of concern to me, indeed it could well be argued that it is part of her job. However , it is what she is reported to have said that is infuriating me (the 77% nonsense).

22 Sep 2017

OMG!!!!!!!  Even the town clerk is now using this 77% of residents voted in favour nonsense! Oh. no. they. did. not. Gross misuse of statistics. And, furthermore, it implies that there was an option for people to say they did not want a playpark on the lawn. But. there. was. no. such. option. A re-run of this consultation is necessary but this time with that option available. ...

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