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Dawlish News

As we're on the subject of Brexit.......there's a piece in today's Dawlish Gazette - see page 4.  Article headed: Councillor: We're not prepared for Brexit

29 Aug 2018

Foul! The term Remoaner is used in a derogatory sense and is therefore a form of name calling. (But if the expression Remoaner is acceptable for use on this site then how about Brexitard and/or Brexiturd? Are they accptable as well?) Thought we didn't do name calling on this site anymore.

28 Aug 2018

Dominic Raab, fervent Brexiteer,  said real livelihoods are at stake, not me. A thought: if you are telling someone to grow up then you are implying that they are a child. Which is not a very nice thing to say, is it? Bordering on name calling perhaps?

28 Aug 2018

@B/S - as I have said before. More information has come out in the past 26 months or so since the referendum as to what leaving the EU might actually mean. Voters are now seeing through the spin they were spun (duplicity?) by the Leave campaign back in 2016. As Dominic Raab, the Brexit Secretary, said only very recently: real livelihoods are at stake.

28 Aug 2018

A No Deal  hard Brexit for you then? With all the consequences that such a scenario would bring? Perhaps people and businesses need to start thinking through just what that might mean. "amidst all of the technical detail, we understand that real livelihoods are at stake."

28 Aug 2018

Maybe she no longer cares. Country before party and all that. And a lot of information about the consequences of Brexit have come to light since June 2016

28 Aug 2018

The nearest candidate to Sarah Wollaston in the 2017 general election was the Labour candidate whose total vote was some 13,000 behind that of SW. SW had more votes cast for her than all the other candidates added together.

27 Aug 2018

It most certainly does! and here's a Tory Cllr who had something to say along similar lines

27 Aug 2018

Liberal Democrats across the Newton Abbot constituency have selected Martin Wrigley as their candidate to become the next MP for the Parliamentary seat, which extends from Ipplepen to Kenton, including Teignmouth, Dawlish, Kingsteignton and Newton Abbot.

This is Exeter City Council's take on Brexit. Brexit and Exeter The risks Despite Exeter’s resilience and growth in recent years Brexit is a cause for concern. Exeter has very strong ties with the EU market, with 70% of current exports heading to EU countries. Research suggests that as a result of Brexit, Exeter will be the most affected area in Devon & Somerset: A ‘soft’ ...

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