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Dawlish News

How will this be enforced? By whom? For example, how will it be known (and by whom?) whether or not a person in charge of a dog (or dogs) is carrying pooh bags? Will we also have ad hoc stop and search bylaws for all dog walkers in Teignbridge? Is this enforced?

6 Nov 2018

Published on 30 October 2018 - New responsible dog ownership PSPO approved A new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), aimed at reducing irresponsible dog ownership and making Teignbridge an even cleaner and greener place to be has been approved by Teignbridge’s Executive today. The PSPO will protect public parks and open spaces against people who do not pick up after, or ...

I think it is something to do with local councils and their preparation (or not) for a hard Brexit and what a hard Brexit might bring. Which, amongst other shortages, could be food. But to bring this thread more directly back on track, here is a link concerning local councils and Brexit (although admittedly Devon County Council and Teignbridge District Council are not mentioned in it). ...

10 Sep 2018

Rose hip syrup. Yuck! I most certainly remember  that from my childhood. I'm not disputing that it is easy to open a tin. What I was asking about was the cooking from scratch which is what I thought you were suggesting people should do.

10 Sep 2018

Because this is some 60+ years on from when you were a kid and whilst you may have had and have a diet like that many do not and never have had. Times have changed and moved on. And assuming that the ingredients for all this home cooking were to be available, who would be doing all the prepping and cooking?

10 Sep 2018

And on the subject of stocking up on food......... A no-deal Brexit survival guide: what food to stockpile | Politics | The ... 12 Jul 2018 - The story broke on Tuesday that the government, in anticipation of a no-deal Brexit , has been drawing up plans to ...

10 Sep 2018

Well I've a load of green beans in mine but that doesn't mean to say that I would want to be eating only them day in, day out.

9 Sep 2018

I thought you liked to buy local produce? Southern europe (as we are talking about citrus fruit) is a lot nearer to the UK than South Africa and if the price is the same it makes sense to me to buy the produce that has travelled fewer miles in order to get here. The link that Leatash posted above is about possible civil unrest in the event of food, medicinal and other shortages post Brexit, ...

9 Sep 2018

From what I have read in order for the UK to become more self sufficient with regard to food production (please note not totally self sufficient) we would all have to eat less meat. Personally I don't have a problem with that but those who like their meat might.  And land that might be suitable for sheep to graze on may not be suitable to grow crops on. On the subject of eating ...

9 Sep 2018

"Food prices could rise sharply and farming businesses could be wiped out at the end of a Brexit transition period, a House of Commons committee has warned. dairy, sheep and cereals would be hit hardest by tariffs on the export front. Sheep farmers could be “devastated”, with farmers in Wales and Northern Ireland who export about 90% of their lamb products unlikely to survive a 50% tariff. ...

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