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Dawlish News

I have no idea of the whys and wherefores of decisions made by and at TDC. However, I do know, having worked in local governemnt myself at one time, that decisions are indeed made by officers (ie employees of the council). The first any members (councillors) may know about any decisions made by officers (employees) is if that officer decision proves contentious. I'd say that at an ...

23 May 2024

@TBR - re child care provision. I can categorically assure you that the Lib Dems (in the form of Cllr Dawson) did, and are doing, something re child care provision in Dawlish. And if they use that fact as PR then that will be fine by me. And Cllr Wrigley has also raised the issue (very strongly in my opinion) with Devon County Council. (child care provision being a Devon County Council ...

21 May 2024

Well I would like to thank her for her work helping to recruit more child minders in Dawlish.

The only local election being held this May which the citizens of Dawlish will be able to vote in is that for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall Police. There are no local elections taking place in Dawlish for the town council (takes place every four years last one took place  last year in 2023), or for Teignbridge District Council (again takes place every four years and ...

And the cost per resident per week is?

Yes, it's the bridge that will go over Shutterton Brook so that the new road twixt Gatehouse Farm and Sainsbury's is er.....linked up. This was/is the road that was identified as needing to be built back in 2014. It's only taken ten years!

er........all this money that the developers are spending. Would that be out of the goodness of their hearts or because they have to make such financial contributions as a condition of their being able to make a profit from developing this land?

this is what is at the bottom of the press article "Parents, a gift you may have spend hundreds of pounds on, may then cost you more money in recovery fees.'" Might I suggest that it could cost them more than that - the life of their child! I have witnessed on more than one occasion how near to an accident there has been between motor vehicle and child on an e- scooter. They ...

APPLICATIONS for the first wave of the rollout of an expansion of free childcare for working parents will open on January 2, the government has announced today. Eligible working parents of two-year-olds will be able to register to access 15 hours free childcare per week from April 2024. Funding will also be available for new childminders who join the profession or who completed their ...

29 Nov 2023

The BBC would like to hear from those experiencing child care issues Are you pregnant and on a nursery waiting list? Are you unable to extend your childcare hours? Are you travelling long distances for suitable childcare? Share your experiences by emailing . Please include a contact number if you are willing to speak to a BBC journalist. You can also get ...

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