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General Discussion

Cyclists continue to use the main road as I witnessed when travelling the relatively short distance to Sainsbury's on Saturday afternoon. Had I been able, I would have taken photos to prove a point as it appears that this cycle path is turning out to be an expensive white elephant & could even be dangerous in the summer months when cyclists and those alighting from coaches by the station come into ...

You should think about doing the Dawlish calendar for next year.

Maybe the Queen does do a good job but certain of the others seem to be nothing but free-loaders. Why on earth do we pay for bodyguards for Prince Andrew's daughters, for example. He's made enough money cosying up to oligarchs to pay for them himself.

22 Jan 2017

@Lynne This is as clear as mud to me. How much more do you suggest they should contribute? As opposed to what they contribute now , which is ........?

10 Jan 2017


@Lynne First heard of this a couple of years ago. Would have thought that this archaic law did not apply in the 21st century but it seems I'm wrong. Just hoping that St. Gregory's don't get any ideas!

@DEEDOODLE Have you thought about doing the pics for next year's Dawlish calendar?

Operation Stack
31 Dec 2016

Another directive from the Institute of the Bleedin' Obvious.

If this is the work of kids, their parents should be held responsible and should pay for the damage. You don't have to be Brain of Britain to know when your kid comes home reeking of smoke that they've been up to something.

16 Dec 2016

@Carer Some people who use the Manor in the evenings and have paid for their classes are disabled or elderly and are not able to walk very far and so are entitled to think that they should be able to park in the grounds fairly easily. I have known of people who have parked in Bartons car park and have had their cars vandalised. It has been reported, but no culprits were found. Also, one or two ...

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