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General Discussion

Strand Parking
2 Oct 2011

However, perhaps I was wrong as to the intentions of the men looking at the trees:-

1 Oct 2011

leatash, Thanks for your post. It has prompted me to some investigation. According to the Forestry Commission website it is not necessary to cut down affected trees and they are not seriously weakened by leaf miners: and here is their article on bleeding canker Don

I think that they are Cypresses but I don't know what variety, don

Affordable Housing
28 Sep 2011

Lynne, As I was writing the initial post I realised that it would form the basis for a letter. I shall research further as I want to be able to preempt any stock answers by showing that I have already considered them.

28 Sep 2011

Lynne, Thanks. I know that these are the standard arguments. I find it hard to believe that the developers are not able to build affordable units and still make a profit, albeit smaller than they want. For instance, look at this fruit of ten minutes research In any event, it is ludicrous to enter into ...

28 Sep 2011

Having read over the years of numerous developments with their proportion of affordable housing, I realised that I had never seen a definiton of the term. However, it was obvious to me that, whatever the definition, the overwhelming majority of the homes in these developments were not "affordable." I have found the definition on ...

Strand Parking
28 Sep 2011

I noticed a group of three men looking at one of the horse chestnuts yesterday, obviously in an official capacity. The tree looks healthy to me but I commented to my friends that they could well be looking for some excuse to cut it down.

8 Sep 2011

@Lynne Agreed - but more of an elaboration of my theme than a variation. In any event, it seems ludicrous to me that the rules constrain local government when they patently do not with national politicians. Imagine the Prime Minister saying, "I can't express a view because there may be a debate on the issue." It is about as inconceivable as him saying, "I can't express a view because I ...

8 Sep 2011

It is, after all, a basic tenet of our form of democracy that politicians should pretend not to have made up their minds before a debate. Following the debate they will either vote as their party tells them, irrespective of their personal opinion, or else in accordance with the pre-conceived ideas that they were pretending not to have. The less the substance, the more important proper form ...

Post office
5 Sep 2011

The Tesco - OneStop relationship was made evident in Teignmouth. When the Tesco filling station and shop opened the Onestop opposite was closed immediately and the premises have remained unoccupied ever since.

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