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Hay Day

Hay Day's Posts

Purdah ain't rocket science.  Cameron was standing outside No.10, the claim being he was using a public resource to influence the public. Gary Taylor, just for the sake of good order please confirm you're not holding court at the Manor or using their computers to post.    Carry on.

22 Jun 2016

Why not roberta? It's easy to call it Project Fear.  We'll only know with hindsight.   If the Brexit vote succeeds, the UK border will go up between Northern and the Republic of Ireland.   As if we don't have enough problems, yes let's give that hornets nest a good poke too.

So other parts of the country can do it but businesses in the South West can't make a case for shorter journey times and increased passenger numbers?   Doesn't surprise me, you only have to look at Dawlish.   For a town that is in desperate need of visitors there's a derelict sea front and gone 5pm it's a ghost town.  Who'd bother stopping.  And if you do, you're met with a manky station and ...

Brexit called, they want their Blighty back. We all know what “getting our country back” means. It’s snorting a line of that most pernicious and debilitating Little English drug, nostalgia It was the woman on Question Time that really did it for me. She was so familiar. There is someone like her in every queue, every coffee shop, outside every school in every parish council in the ...

21 Jun 2016

I was on holiday in Norway earlier this year and I don't know if it's anything to do with not being encumbered by EU regulations but I was struck by their disregard for Health and Safety - if you go dog sledding don't expect to be supplied with helmets.   Here you'd be kitted out from top to toe and signing disclaimers in triplicate For good or bad I don't think things like H&S, pollution ...

21 Jun 2016

Nope, I believe it is Margaret Swift and she's not telling the truth.  Am happy to leave it at that. Fred Bassett - my grandfather fought for a world that would support tolerance and religious freedom not supremacist bigotry. Morty Vicker - I have discovered a lot of those facts for myself, it's a shame that the Remain campaign have been unable to get them across.

21 Jun 2016

Are you the Margaret Swift who works for the government and wastes taxpayers money every day by playing computer games on your employers time?  Wind yer neck in and go tend your orchard dear.