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1263's Posts

£35k  grand  a year... how do they arrive a these salaries decisions.? What, if anything,, are the independent council members doing about the cost to the taxpayers.?

What's this got to do with brexit.?

A council that declared a "climate emergency" is printing about 21 million pages a year, it has emerged. Cornwall Council, which has pledged to reduce its carbon footprint , produced 1.7 million sheets in June alone, figures showed. The figures were included in an agenda - itself totalling 170 pages - was presented to a committee discussing the authority's "digital transformation". ...

27 Sep 2019

1- Dont print out more usless paper items about "climate emergency"- save paper 2- Litter- what about a proposal to cull the skyrats. Please don't respond with "its the  peoples fault for encouraging  them et al " they still get into bins and leave litter about. Pehaps the warden can issue the seagulls with a notice.!!! 4- Stop circulating LIB-Dems  papers telling us how good they are, ...

16 Sep 2019

Why would they bother to come up with anything while those clowns who try to stop brexit still are pushing their mantra and the EU hope against hope that brexit will collapse. From corbyn - lets do a new deal then vote against it From  Jo swinton - lets do a deal to revoke article 50 but not let the great unwashed public vote on it- libs dems never heard of democracy Roll on the general ...

@scapegoat Are you Tom Watson in disguise ?

9 Sep 2019

@ scapegoat. Anti- semetism - Weekend update : Labour MP in charge of the all- party investigation resigns after saying corybn has questions to answer. IRA Apalogist - see picture of corybn at one of the guildford 4 wedding FACTS.......................

Am I missing something here? Would a service station not have CCTV so the car could be traced and the police could get involved in this dognapping

@scapegoat Your probably correct that i should have not called labour supporters of corbyn the looney left..what i meant to say was trotsky loving, anti-semitic, britain hating, junta left wing goverment dictatorship  loving,,IRA apologists, supporters.

5 Sep 2019

@scapegoat Don't sit on the fence tell us what you really mean...