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OurSoul's Posts

It's good that they've finally seen the sense in advertising the various events on the internet rather than just in the programme.

That's more like it Elvis! 😎

31 Jul 2015

Oh here comes Margaret! Believe you me, I'm a doer - whilst you're a quitter and Dave Cliffe is just a keyboard warrior. And no, I'm still not an idiot.  But if I was, then that would make your bullying even more contemptible. I repeat my question (about this topic!): Why do you haters think that building these new homes "destroys" our town?

31 Jul 2015

1/10. Very poor. Maybe you could sing us a song instead? Blue Moon maybe?

31 Jul 2015

Oh "hi" Elvis. I missed your invaluable contribution to the debate. Come on, tell us a joke - after all you admitted that you're only here to have a laugh and not to debate. This thread started 9 days ago. Did your wondering expect it to take that long? Unlike my posts here, you've not had anything worthwhile to contribute - just the usual vote-winning pop at me.

31 Jul 2015

1. You do use Facebook. Not sure why you deny that, but there you go. 2. Freedom of speech is just a smokescreen for your preference of being a keyboard warrior rather than a doer. 3.  I can only assume that all these new homes will remain unsold, based on your theory. Just like you theorised when every other recent development in Dawlish was built... 4.  I'm not any kind of idiot. Or an ...

31 Jul 2015

Public vote of confidence? Really?? You've just had an Election, so I think that indicates where people's confidence lies. Sadly. And as for your campaign to save our town, you're having a laugh aren't you? Based on your previous rants on here and on FB, you couldn't care less about Dawlish. You had a chance to stand for election at the aforementioned Elections, but I failed to see your ...

I didn't want people to think that you were being misleading, that's all... x

26 Jul 2015

It depends on whether you regard libel as a serious crime? ;-)

26 Jul 2015

Of course I'm not accusing them of committing serious crimes which have gone unpunished!  The thread isn't about unpunished crimes! They are guilty though of committing crimes that have been punished. That said, going back to the rise of fascism in Germany and the Daily Mail's support of Hitler and Oswald Moseley might be considered by some as being an unpunished crime.