@Lynne - i think we need to see what comes out of the executive meeting - but there are more than five councilors ready to sign.
The report is about, inter alia, providing money for SANGS - Suitable Accessible Natural Green Space; so it does impact on Warren Farm and Langstone Cliff. I think questions have been tabled about CPO. The Executive will vote on the recommendation, which is subject to "call in" until 16th Dec. (Call in = five councillors may request that the decision is considered by the Overview & Scrutiny ...
SANGS are coming up at Tuesday 9th Dec Teignbridge Executive. http://www.teignbridge.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=42681&p=0
Cllr Clayson, No.
It's very simple I want Teignmouth and Dawlish MIUs to stay open. It's kind of important, bit more important than sterile arguments about the opt in/opt out controls on a petition platform. Thank you to the Dawlish people who have signed.
Sorry Judith, not going to play. You might want to exchange inults; but I'm more interesed in keeping a vital service for the people.
Not really a consultation - first quesion doen't even offer an option of keeping Teignmouth Hospital MIU open. This is a loaded question; quite understandably Dawlish residents will opt for option 1; however this will be used to say x number of people support closing Teignmouth. I'm sure the people of Dawlish do not want to unwittingly put a nail in the coffin of the first NHS hopital. Please ...