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Dorian's Posts

The float might have been sold off since but seeing as it's such a hot potato, it's seems reasonable to hope it would be followed up properly. TheObserver - send a letter or email to the Council asking them to account for its disposal or maybe one of the councillors here could volunteer to investigate.   Any takers?

Councillor Behaviour
13 Mar 2015

Free to you Burneside, my treat. Let me know when you're coming, I'll lock the cat in the bedroom. http:A//

13 Mar 2015

That's very funny, I'll take a screenshot before it's deleted. I know it's off topic but I have a set of pans for sale.  Teflon coated.

The biggest cop-out are the ones who voted for it because they are too scared to stand up to them.  Why should it have been unconditionally granted, it's a limited company not a charity.  There's a reason for that. Which councillors were/weren't at the meeting and did anybody vote against it? Linda Petherick, Robert Vickery, Margaret Swift - you all read and post on this forum.   Would ...

I wonder how many blue flag beaches boast a mention of a sewage treatment works and a death from e-coli on their Wikipedia page.  Maybe TDC is starting with a low key deterrent strategy by editing public domain information.

Unless they come with a fresh and intelligent approach and can wield some influence on the current organisers how will it make a difference?

Burneside, when was the last time you ever posted on a thread when your sister Margaret wasn't already on it slagging off someone who disagreed with her?   See what I mean when I suggest that you come across as her yappy guard dog?

24 Feb 2015

Given that I don't rate your judgement, that's of no concern to me Margaret.  My judgement is that you are a weak and lazy councillor who needs to lash out at her fellow councillors to mask her own inadequacies.

24 Feb 2015

Margaret had a little dog Its fur was white as snow And everywhere that Margaret went The dog was sure to go. Down boy!  Woof!

Aww, saw them only last week.  This will be very hard on him.  Glad for the good work of the horse charity, why not make a donation for Gildor.