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General Discussion

Margaret - so when you said that 'all architects and planners are 20 years out of date as a minimum' you meant 'there are lots of examples where town planning has failed' and 'there are plenty of buildings I regard as monstrous carbuncles'.    Ahh the nuances of language.

20 Feb 2015

Oh go on Margaret pleeeeaaaase.  It's the first time you've ever said something where I'm interested to know more and I so want you to share your expert knowledge.   No, didn't think so.

@mcjrc - it was just tittle tattle.

Do give us the benefit of your architectural knowledge Margaret, otherwise we might think you're just being spiteful about a fellow councillor.

@leatash .   funnily enough no.  i'm all for renewable energy but think siting them in an area of natural beauty is not the best place to have them.  i suppose it depends on your aesthetic values.

17 Feb 2015

If anyone thinks this is a planning abomination take a look at those solar panels going up on the left hand side of the B3192 near Ashcombe.  What an eyesore it will be.   How could that get through?

17 Feb 2015

@Margaret Swift - "questions remain and lessons need to be learned".   What questions, what lessons, and what 'thorough investigation' is needed?  What has happened that suggests this enterprise has failed before it has even opened its doors?

16 Feb 2015

Planning Inspectorate:

It would be good to see some younger faces at the services, they're the ones to carry the torch into the future.  Interesting to learn that Paul Holman's brother later went on to marry Vivien Leigh.

As Michael Clayson pointed out, both objectives can be achieved if you close the nature reserve to the public.   No doubt that's what'll happen...

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