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Margaret Swift

Margaret Swift's Posts

A bit rich coming from Mrs C!!!

Thanks for your post Lynne. I think there is still some digging to do regarding who is paying how much and why. It stinks and it is disgraceful. I hope we all remember this when we next go to the polls.

13 Feb 2016

Very good idea Paul re naming and shaming the councillors who have so shamefully spent our hard earned money. It really does beggar belief!

13 Feb 2016

No, there isn't any guarantee re the net benefit. it is an outrageous waste of tax payers money.

if pensioners are so well off why do so many older people have to keep on working?

12 Feb 2016

Webmaster, please sort out the grammar on this site! The above post makes me look illiterate, and, really I am not!!

12 Feb 2016

@Morty Vicker , 6/2/16, pensioners are £9 a week better off than those who are working! As a women who will not get her state pension until 66 years of age, i am currently 61 years of age, i would like you to explain how i am £9 a week better off than those who are working.under the pervious rules i would now be receiving my pension, but i'm not! over to you!

How can we sit back and allow TDC, some of whom are Dawlish Councillors, allow such a vast amount of OUR money to be spent on such a venture when the vast majority of the people benefitting will come from other parts of the country and, probably, not spend a penny in the County? This is a disgraceful waste of taxpayers money.

It is an interesting phenomenon that this website has got livelier since 'Mrs/Mr C has started posting again! But, it is also noteworthy that the nastiness has crept in again!

6 Feb 2016

I would live to know who Morty Vicker is as they are so detached from the reality of this country it beggars belief!