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Margaret Swift

Margaret Swift's Posts

Well said Deedoodle, you sum it all up perfectly. Does Diana Mond actually live in Dawlish as they seem remarkably uninformed? And who are these old people?

Why would a single function bandstand be for the few not the many? I disagree! A beautifully constructed bandstand would be an attractive addition to the lawn area and one that could be used by all.

4 Sep 2017

And all our councillors can come up with is a playpark on the lawn, simply copying Paignton and Teignmouth! Not one of them has a creative thought or bone in their bodies!

Perhaps we could organise our own consultation to find out what the people of Dawlish really want! I remember the first draft of questions for the 'slug' on the lawn, they were so loaded it took my breath away! Were the questions for the survey on the playpark put before the full council for approval?

Pics of the week
3 Sep 2017

As I walked through town yesterday there was a police officer (female) sat on the bench where we would normally see the alcoholics, obviously she was on her own. As I carried on my way home I came across four of the alcoholics sat on the bench above the beach manager's hut merrily drinking their day away! I wonder how long she sat there thinking she was doing a good job?

Well said Diana! A fair description of the Strand. Get a grip everybody, including our town councillors, who, by and large, do not have qualifications for the job they do and don't appear to understand our town! We are NOT a resort where people come to stay, we have lost our hotels, holiday flats and a lot of B&Bs so people stay in Dawlish Warren. But, we are a resort for the day trippers ...

You must just be very unlucky then. I did five long walks last week with barely a puddle or mud in sight and they were all OFF the road!

@ER113 i was referring to the idiots cycling through the centre of dawlish on the pavements, which are not shared cycle/footpaths! The signage is not clear in Dawlish. I use the Tarka trail a lot, starting at Barnstaple, the signage in that town is excellent leaving cyclists in no doubt as to where they can and cannot cycle!

Well I too am a keen walker and walk all over the country and I do not find myself ankle deep in mud and don't expect to always be ankle deep in mud! Most footpaths are well looked after. I walked up to the path in question last week and in all the years I have walked that path I have never seen it so bad.  DTC need to get it sorted.

Actually, we already have cyclists riding through the lawn area as I found out yesterday! It is chaos in town, cyclists have no clear idea of where they can and cannot cycle and it is a serious accident just waiting to happen. The town council have really lost the plot this time, but...........are we surprised? Most of them never had a handle on the plot in the first place!