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General Discussion

Cassandra, a quick Google search shows that relocation does work. Yes the original habitat has gone (don't most of us live in houses built on what was previously open land???), but the bats etc do successfully relocate. It's a fact.

13 Feb 2015

Thanks Lynne. Like I said, it doesn't have to be money, and despite Ken's conspiracy nonsense it does show that TDC does consider and act upon environmental impacts.  No need to have removed the reference though, it's in the public domain.

13 Feb 2015


13 Feb 2015


13 Feb 2015


13 Feb 2015

It depends on what needs mitigating. If you suggesting financial backhanders, then you'd be wrong.

Ken, I completely understand and appreciate where you're coming from. The infrastructure isn't up to the job and  permission shouldn't have been granted without the infrastructure. The same could be said for all housing estates over the years - possibly even like the one that you might live on that was built xx years ago?

Ken, I assume that mitigation has been put in place re the bats and curl bunting. This application afforded no mitigation. Lynne, it will only affect any increase in tourism if applicants fail to provide mitigation for the impact that additional tourist heads has on our environment. I'd hope that all right-minded people would agree that mitigation is absolutely necessary.

13 Feb 2015

And it was quite rightly refused. Do you disagree with the reasons for refusal?

Because then you could have helped shape the NP! Its contents have to be taken into account when recommendations are made in the future. Think about it, you could have actually done something rather than just moan about it on here and in the local paper.  Seeing as you started this thread, I have to say that I'm really surprised that you've failed to do your research. Lynne, to be absolutely ...

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