@JD2017 - oh! club cyclist's who are allowed to take up an entire public highway and dribble along and when a car over takes the driver get's a finger gesture. I pay insurance on my car and road tax and have to have an m.o.t to use the road and I am not allowed to practise racing or pace making on the public highway or fly through red lights. What absurd reason allows a bunch of big kids ...
I saw a kid (my definition - someone who had the overall look of a child under the age of sixteen, but over the age of 10 years) on the Cove beach with a black widow catapult in hand. For those that do not know what a black widow catapult is:- ...
You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.
So after contacting the town council and them contacting sw water this is the result as of the 06th August 2017. Not surprised! This is an important access point for those that wish to use the path. The only other route, without trespassing, is diagonally across the field and an extended walk through an overgrown lane, that some would find difficult to navigate. Dawlish is a ...
@Cassandra - not a lot i expect from the lack of police activity in enforcing the prohibition notices on the lawn. The prohibition of consuming alcohol, drugs is infringed on a daily/nightly basis plus the foul language and drunken boxing matches that take place on a regular basis, in full view of Dawlish residents and holiday makers.
@Brooklyn Bridge - agree, the d.d&d.c seem more active since the prohibition signs went up than they were before. i see these people! on a daily basis around the lawn, not just once in a blue moon. What's the town council doing about this a.s.b.o...............not a lot I expect.
Wednesday July 19th ! this is the first I've heard about this. Cannot believe people just happen to walk around with iron bars, is there more to this than I'm reading? The lack of officer's on the beat and the attitude you get from some of the police operator's on 101/999...if you don't get put on hold would seem to give criminals an air of confidence as they go about their business in my ...
@JD2017 -you are incorrect in your statement that placing no against the questrions would mean that you did not want a play park on the lawn. it merely stated that you did not want it in the specified locations on the lawn. again, as i seem to be repeating myself for some reason...the questionaire did not ask the most specific question that was...do you want a play park on 'the lawn'? In my ...
@leatash ... not based on a questionnaire that only asked where on the lawn and not, do you want a play park on the lawn? It is not Dawlish councils right to put out a questionnaire that does not allow the people of Dawlish a fair and balanced set of questions for the issue of this play park.
@leatash - you seem to be missing the point that not one question asked if anyone wanted a play park on the lawn. I am in favour of true democracy, but the basis for this play park is on a one sided set of questions that did not let those who took part answer that they did NOT want it. I and several others who DID take part catagorically put in the comments section of several questions ...