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Steve's Posts

@Knighton , I've filled out multiple complaints online but it hasn't helped. I didn't know I could ring them up. I'll check that out next time.

28 Jun 2024

Why do people pay extra for signed-for letters when the delivery person never gets a signature? Is this common or is it just me? I get a few so maybe they think they are doing me a favour. The problem is, some mail that is meant to be signed for also has Fragile and Do Not Bend on it, but it still gets bent and posted without a signature, obviously damaging the contents. When you check ...

Voting online
28 Jun 2024

Received this morning. Along with a separate supposedly signed-for letter that was not signed for, which I’m going to start a new subject on.

General Election 2024
27 Jun 2024

You sound like Russell Brand - lol. I don't disagree, but we have this because of big government, which is socialism. Big government facilites the laundering of public funds. Government is a necessary evil and needs to be kept as small as possible. It's the only way it can be kept in check.

27 Jun 2024

There are a few right-leaning politicians but most are left-leaning, and most support big government, the nanny state, the green agenda, deficit spending, etc. Brexit happened because the majority voted for it. Brexiteers were across the political spectrum. Labour has a eurosceptic heritage. I don't believe any are the good guys. I believe policies are either good or bad.

27 Jun 2024

The main parties are all left of centre. They all subscribe to left-wing policies to varying degrees. I'm not defining normal or good just saying those on the left believe they are the good guys.

Voting online
27 Jun 2024

OK, thanks @Daverc . I will call them tomorrow unless it arrives in the meantime.

27 Jun 2024

I still haven't received my postal ballot papers. They are cutting it a bit fine aren't they? Does anyone know if you can you download them?

General Election 2024
27 Jun 2024

There are a lot of people on the left of politics in the UK from my experience. Many don't realise it and think they are normal and good people. The problem is, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

24 Jun 2024

It's being live-streamed on YouTube