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Steve's Posts

What you are describing is communism rather than socialism, and we haven't reached that stage yet. Socialism is, for example, where the government takes more of your income from you than it needs to for the necessary functioning of government. The claimed purpose is usually to fund social programs or to redistribute wealth, but we all know that it never does this and usually causes more ...

4 Jul 2024

I never said the right are immune to corruption and tyranny. I said government needs to be kept as small as possible so it can be kept in check. There is no such thing as a small socialist government. Socialism means big government and vice versa.

4 Jul 2024

@Teign, I agree about powerful elements seeking to exert further control over nation states. That was why we voted out of the EU. Hopefully, we've won that battle but who knows. The PPE scandal was standard banana republic socialism. Politicians print money and launder it through their mates to buy houses and yachts, etc.

4 Jul 2024

Neoliberalism was about minimising government spending, not bloating it out. Neoliberalism in the UK has been long dead. You do realise that anyone holding UK debt is losing significant wealth due to currency devaluation? That debt will be held by the private pension funds of UK workers due to government regulation. The funds don't care about devaluation because it isn't their money. ...

4 Jul 2024

They are socialist policies. The highest immigration ever, the largest natonal debt ever, the most money printing ever, the highest inflation and currency devalutation since the 70s, highest handouts ever, massive numbers on welfare and not working, highest taxes in decades ... You would think Jeremy Corbyn had been in power these last 5 years lol.

4 Jul 2024

UKIP/Reform stood aside for the Tories to implement conservative policies, but the Tories never did. That's why they aren't stepping aside this time. Galloway is not getting as much abuse from the left-wing media as Farage, no.

4 Jul 2024

The left dominate mainstream media, which is why all you hear about is how far right and racist everyone they disagree with is. Tories, Labour and Lib Dems all support the same left wing policies.

4 Jul 2024

Reform have said they are a centre-right party. The mainstream media (BBC, ITV, Sky, Channel 4, Guardian, etc.) trys to portray anyone that doesn't agree with their left-wing politics as far right and racist. The other parties have moved too far to the left, which is why many feel they have no choice but to vote Reform.

3 Jul 2024

Didn't you know, we're all far right racists now.
