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Mcjrpc's Posts

Thank you very much, greatly appreciated!

8 Nov 2012

Thanks, I tried that but they do their own windows. Haven't seen one in the street to ask either. A local shop gave me the number of their window cleaner but they didn't return my still looking!!!

5 Nov 2012

Could anyone recommend a good, reliable window cleaner in Dawlish please?  Thanks

I just did a walk from Dawlish to the Ship at Cockwood.  I was pleasantly surprised at the footpath from Dawlish Warren to Cockwood, didn't realise it was even there!  The cliff pathway from Dawlish towards Dawlish Warren is much improved, although the sea wall offers better views.  You could start in Teignmouth, get the train to Dawlish, wander round the town and then walk on to Cockwood (couple ...

As I understand it the signal box architecture is unique in that it's the only example of a Brunel design with the curved overhang.  Someone got it listed because Network Rail or whoever is responsible for it were planning on demolishing it rather than doing it up.  So their response has been to leave it to decay to the point it becomes unsafe, whereupon they can pull it down - how cynical.   I ...