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think there's a slightly different tonal inflection @ALLEMS
meep meep?
thanks @michaelclayson . i've emailed they all. let's see what they say.
Sat at Dawlish Leisure Centre today with water dribbling down the internal walls, all over wall displays and the trophy cabinet. Stickers on light fittings saying they have been disconnected due to water ingress. Awful smell of damp (there's usually dehumidifers running in the rain). What's going on? I'm going to contact Teignbridge tomorrow as I assume they are responsible for maintenance ...
haha @Lynne i know i've completely lost the thread now ... thanks @Dorian
Sometimes I don't think I live in the same town as everyone else! I always feel like I'm slightly outside of the 'in joke'!
I don't think I've ever seen so many cars parked or such a tailback at the end. Surely this must have been a record breaking attendance. Hope they managed to raise lots of money for next year.
Completely agree Ziggy. I wouldn't mind but they are a Community Interest Company. Think someone with a bit of time and knowledge needs to make a stand. They are in no way working for the community. I do hope the money the council gave them won't go towards their legal fees. How to complain about a CIC This guide explains how to make a complaint about a community interest company ( ...