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Neoliberal Democrat

Neoliberal Democrat's Posts

Depends whether anyone believes if universities are considered unbiased and objective. Exeter university depends on corporate sponsorship and a regular influx of foreign students so staying in the EU would be in it's interst. The commercialization of higher education is concerning.

22 May 2016

We could spend it on a really Big Weekend

Dawlish Food Banks
22 May 2016

How many are there?

Cameron's comment about the Nigerian and Afghan governments being 'fantastically corrupt' could be interpreted as admiration.

21 May 2016

It is a dilemma. the reasons I'd vote to stay in have more to do with my conscience because of some important EU safeguards and slightly more distruct for Johnson, Gove and Farage than Cameron and Osborne, plus the Lib Dems and Blairites. so it's the lesser of 2 evils. Cameron wants TTIP anyway,  so it just amounts to whether they bleed the country dry as part of a trading block or as a ...

21 May 2016

I'm serious I don't think the Royal family really cares what happens to the vast majority of the population, my sarcasm reflects this. It does not mean that I don't take this referundum seriously, although I don't particularly think abstaining will make much difference in the longer term. We're witnessing the demise of the EU, France one of the two core EU nations is likely to have a ...

21 May 2016

Appantly it would take 2 years plus to actually leave the EU and like the Scottish Independence referendum our government is unlikely to have prepared for this outcome. I reckon the Queen supports the IN campaign as leaving the EU could result in the dissolution of the Union and I can see Scotland voting to be a Republic should this happen. She loves shooting Grouse up at Balmoral and Tartan ...

Why? because of the car parking, or can't you have a fun anywhere else unless you're going to the Big Weekend?

i think that might be the case @Brooklyn Bridge . i'm undecided i don't want the right wing of the tory party and ukip to take control if out win, even though ultimately i think that would see the break up of the union and eventually the end of the tories or more authoritarianism. and i  wouldn't object if the scots voted for self-government. but whether a new fairer form of politics would ...

21 May 2016

That's patronising though not as much as your last post and avoids acknowledging my objection to your lousy attitude. Hardly befitting of a councillor. I'm done discussing the referendum with you. Why the hell would I give a rich celebrity with a knighthood the final say!