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Mcjrpc's Posts

Can anyone suggest a gentle (i.e. no hills) three mile jogging route around Dawlish as an alternative to the sea wall, or would I have to drive out somewhere?  Preferably not ten times round The Lawn!  Thanks.

You're a new poster Onport1968 but you're very knowledgeable about past users.  You must know that suspicion over second IDs can cause quite a stir in some quarters!

4 Mar 2014

No, Smella had much more insight.

I was replying to Roberta's second post, which referenced this Facebook post Just got a email reply back from a rep at Network Rail. Can't go into details for legal reasons but suffice to say I have assurances that the future of the sea wall and the line is secure.

4 Mar 2014

I'm sure he saying it in good faith and I'm sure Network Rail's letter is full of encouraging words but I very much doubt they would tell an individual and not make a public announcement.

I knew it wouldn't take long before the moaning minnies crawled out of the woodwork! I too would like to go on the beach with the dog, but guess what, we go to Coryton Cove instead. Shall we go with the alternative where Network Rail has to employ even more security staff to clear the area every time they're moving heavy plant?  That'll keep the railway closed til Christmas but no ...

Clive, thanks for the info.  Does that mean the houses on Riviera Terrace will face a wall that is higher than was previously there?

Isn't that where a new Dawlish Parkway would be built?  Maybe he'll make more money flogging the land to Network Rail.

Very interesting posts Clive.  Like Lynne I encourage you to bring your views to a wider audience.  At the very least it might prompt some informed debate from people with insight into the workings of the railways. Thanks.

Latest on Buses
12 Feb 2014

Okay, from National Rail site I see it's the rail replacement.  We thought the 8.08 might be full or running late, so were wary of relying on it.  Has your daughter had any problems with it?   Thanks.