@burnside "what do you suggest then"
Bravo Lynne, and they could start by building more Social Housing,new employment and would improve the economy, less money paid towards rent in the exhorbitant private sector. Also more people maybe able to downsize freeing up the larger houses for families. Simples!!!
"Another is that hopefully overall welfare expenditure will come down" Paul you are having a laugh if you believe that!!!!
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/ramesh-patel/growth-cameron-austerity_b_2007552.html?utm_hp_ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false#sb=4703835,b Ive posted this before and will post it again, this writer is a Tory
havnt we been here before a few weeks ago http://www.dawlish.com/thread/details/22985
but......... he was in the confines of the fence at the top of the wall
Something is happening, when I went past earlier there was fencing on the top level along with a portable loo and a chap in a hard hat, also a maintenance contractors van
no different to the propaganda some of you like posting lol