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Mcjrpc's Posts

It's gone off topic on the other thread so I'm bringing it over to this one. Margaret Swift -  you've pointed out that over 200 letters of objection have been lodged with TDC compared to a 'handful' of letters of support.   Are you now saying that the 283 people who completed the surveys in favour of the development are of no consequence because they did not lodge directly with TDC? What ...

Apparently it's International Apostrophe Day on Friday 15th August so I might give the carnival floats a miss and stay in and celebrate it.

It's Is only ever an abbreviation for 'it is ' or 'it has' - the apostrophe is in place of the missing letters. Its denotes possession. Predictive text plays havoc with that rule.

Okay it was short notice but is it just my perception or does Dawlish always lose out to Teignmouth where TDC is concerned?

6 Aug 2014

Michael, what other matters were more pressing for TDC that they couldn't mobilise themselves?

Hopefully that ship has sailed.

6 Aug 2014

That's very network sociable of you Mrs C.  Please will you also text us to let us know when you change your mind and decide to do some of your activities earlier than planned .

5 Aug 2014

@webmaster .  Maybe the Carnival committee will use the £5k grant from Dawlish council taxpayers to hire a copyright lawyer to sue you.  I suspect not.   Go on, rattle their float.  Publish and be damned.

I'm not precious.  You can have violets and lots of other violet-coloured, scented, butterfly and bee attracting flowers... Maybe the bees could go off and sting those yelling kids in the new playground and basketball areas.

2 Aug 2014

@FredBassett .  Your posts always seem to champion moving everything to the Warren or Shutterton.  Wouldn't that choke off Dawlish completely?  If you had it your way how would you envisage the town centre in years to come?