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Mcjrpc's Posts

Oh what a nightmare for them.  I wonder how many other old houses are held together by the render. Doesn't bear thinking about.

9 Sep 2014

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe the San Andreas fault stretches to Dawlish.

My gripe is not to do with whether anyone is living there, but rather it being a long-neglected property, an eyesore for the town and a hazard for near neighbours.   Are there no obligations on landlords to maintain property, particularly commercial property?  Otherwise, as seems to be the case here, there is every incentive to let a building decay until eventually planning for private dwellings ...

This subject has come up before as I recall reading this FOI response. It includes all unauthorised absences to April 2013 even if the patients didn't leave the hospital grounds.  I think they removed the revolving door after 2006. and previous discussion on EOD ...

3 Sep 2014

Not all of Langdon's patients are considered a risk to the public, they have different levels of security.   If you're interested in knowing more here's a link:[mode]=summary&tx_svcdirectory_pi1[value]=201&tx_svcdirectory_pi1[back]=abclist%3Aabc%3AL%3A60&cHash=319cd4923a10cee50d2ae0a9fa9a3796

Thanks for the post Lynne.  I notice they say "Come and enjoy the great views from the coast path, along the recently repaired seawall." I hope no-one's disappointed with the picturesque detour along Exeter Road ;)

I presume it's that dump Ryders Bakery.  When I went past the other day there was still a pile of rubble on the pavement with the timber of the upstairs bay exposed.  Do we really have to put up with the shameful neglect of commercial property or does someone have to get crushed before we hear the much parroted 'lessons will be learned'.    Would be interested to know if Ryders could face any ...

@User4549.   Thank you for your charming private message informing me that the Webmaster didn't warn you off.    Maybe you missed it.  Here it is: Webmaster 8 Dec 2013  10.57 @User 4549 , your last post with the same title 'islam at its best' turned out to be a hoax for which you apologised. in your new post, some muslims broke the law and were jailed for doing so. so why is this ...

30 Aug 2014

Not the first time User 4549 has done this.   The Webmaster warned him/her off last time, hope he's watching closely.

Margaret, you say "a good deal of research goes into each application".   What research was done?  Was last year's programme discussed with the Carnival committee, are attendance numbers increasing, are donations increasing, are participants increasing, are advertising revenues increasing, was the approval unanimous?    What made the Carnival application worthy of the same amount of grant money as ...