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michaelclayson's Posts

@BB Just to report back as promised We were told last night at Council that work started on site yesterday. I asked your question about the gender of the remaining swans.   I was told that one has begun building a nest, checks will be made to see if additional females are required.

30 Sep 2014

@BB I'm sure everyone in Dawlish wants the best for our Black Swans, and a group of town councillors (Not including me or Robert- so no defensiveness in what I write, just information) have been working very hard with The Environment Agency and Teignbridge to prepare a plan for improvements.  Its not proceeding as fast as anyone would like, but I'm told there are very strict rules on what works ...

Strand Hill is due to scheduling within the list of work across the County as far as I an aware only initial work has been done to make it safe

30 Sep 2014

The latest on Strand Hill from the County Council - not likely to re-open until Spring next year TH wall is in private ownership.  Although it is unsightly, I doubt authorities will press for work to be done so long as it remains safe.  Witness the old vicarage on Weech Road.

I wish it were true that Teignbridge were busy formulating plans for a new Bandstand. Absolutely no detailed planning had been done for a new bandstand.  More of an aspiration than a plan. Hopefully the impetus given to this situation by the hard work of the Town Council will persuade the District to give the project  greater priority.   They will certainly benefit from the expert ...

14 Sep 2014

@B2000F Just to explain to you and others reading that the following proposition was voted at the Town Council on August 19th That no further work is done to progress a stage two bid for the Town Council proposals; That the current application is withdrawn once the Planning Officer recommendation and supporting rationale has been published That the Sustrans bid is a matter for ...

Or for TDC  grounds maintenance vehicles to get through, whilst prohibiting entry for Travellers?

Sorry if I wasn't being clear Dorian my comment about aesthetics was general, not about this specific site i don't think I should get into detailed discussion online about a private situation, suffice to say that TDC are aware of the poor state of the property.

5 Sep 2014

@Mcjrpc As I understand it - Owners of any property have obligations towards public safety, but I'm not sure that this extends to aesthetics.  As always there is always an issue about when it is appropriate for a district council to intervene.  How bad is bad enough, given that enforcement is a cost to the taxpayer.  We'd all say instinctively act sooner rather than later, but the costs ...

@flo I've heard that steps are being taken to get the problems at the Leisure Centre sorted. Thanks again for prompting this.