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Purrrrrfect's Posts

@Lynne - i understand and appreciate your wider view of the current services of the n.h.s to all, contributers and non contributers. although there is a need to understand the true state of this countries debt levels and the comittments and interest payments that come with this. the n.h.s in its current form is a top heavy beast of administrators and executives whose only goal is to cut costs and ...

New Beach Huts
7 Jul 2014

@Merlin228 - thanks for the assist.

7 Jul 2014

@Lynne - at least those who require the private medical will have contributed to that pot unlike the n.h.s.  if the option to opt out of the n.i. in favour of a private medical plan was available the n.h.s would fold through lack of finance. a typical example of individiuals who drain the n.h.s are those on full benefits having large litters. getting back on subject of the original thread ...

New Beach Huts
6 Jul 2014

Does anyone know which company they were sourced from?  Looking for a shed and they do look quite good quality

6 Jul 2014

@leatash - you obviously have an understanding of the costs of the subject you are discussing. i understand where you are coming from now. let everyone contribute to those who decide to have children! i would rather pay for private medical for my family and not contribute to n.i., could you pay for births on private medical insurance? The problem with collective taxes for such things as the ...

5 Jul 2014

@leatash - free of charge! i think you will find the costs of this service implementation and the ongoing service cost  for the work carried out by these truly professional medical staff is a touch more than that. now where did i put my bucket of sand.

Sandy Lane hedge
3 Jul 2014

Does this not just reflect the half hearted effort the local council has adopted around Dawlish i.e rubbish, weeds, general state of the town during holiday season! I wouldn't mind so much if they dropped the rates by 50% or their wages or both.

The Brook
2 Jul 2014

The brooks looking a bit sad with such a large amount of debri now literally blocking the water flow. Does anyone know when work will be restarted to resolve this issue? The Victorians would turn in their graves if they knew what state we have allowed the town to get into. Even though the rates paid by the residents in the town is no small sum!

FredBassett has made a reasonable request to our elected officials. To produce a copy of the title deeds for the property they intend to change dramatically from its current configuration. The longer the delay in producing this document, the more doubt is placed on the ownership, by them, of the property. Produce the document proving ownership and resolve this issue. It doesn't matter what excuses ...

26 Jun 2014

@michaelclayson - so your answer , on the deeds question to fredbassett is that you do not actually hold the deeds? you are saying the land belongs to teignbridge because it has been maintained and controlled  the area for decades. i would have thought, legal, teignbridge still need to go through the legal process to  have the land placed in their charge. during this process it will give the true ...