In the event that you are unfortunate to be injured in an accident in a taxi, then rest assured you will be covered by insurance. Local authorities are vigorous in checking for the relevant insurance. If you are unhappy with any aspect of your journey or the conduct or driving by the driver, then complain. The majority of taxi drivers take pride in their skills and experience and are keen ...
I can tell you that yes, people are reporting misdemeanours by taxi drivers continually. Part of my job was to defend taxi drivers in their dealings with local authorities and the police. Driving offences put to one side, most people have no idea of the hackney carriage and Phv laws. Seat belt rules and charging spring to mind, where members of the public have reported drivers for offences ...
Well come on, they have got a reputation to keep up.
You're wasted on here Lynne.
At the risk of repeating myself, still nothing changes. I will say though, speaking as an ex councillor elsewhere, Margaret Swift does herself no favours on this forum.
Excellent, however, people at each others throats would be more apt for this forum.
It's arse , actually.
My money was on a blocked filter or kinked pipe, oh well.
Thanks Cass What is the remuneration you had in mind for this task? I am agent for an individual who can actually create bad weather if you are interested? Regards Mr. Elvis Presley
Webmaster . a day or two would be a bonus and you did say on the other thread that that was your intention.