Bit early in the year for this to kick off, isn't it ? ... usually the "cull them" rubbish in here (and in the press) starts in early July when they are "ferociously" and "aggressively" defending their newly flown babies ... When did they used to be culled, leatash ?
Or the bus stop, and that hasn't gone yet. Has it ... ??
Just as well Strand Hill is open again.
Sounds, at first glance, to be the 'least worst' of the options they were considering.
A little bird told me the garage will be closing soon. Any truth in that ?
That is good news indeed, thank you Michael.
Is there an expected date when we will get our seawall back ? For some reason I thought it was anticipated to be in Feb but obviously not.
Well, if you're right about NR banning vehicles, it doesn't seem to have stopped the previous owners - and of course it would be very difficult to run any sort of cafe down there without being able to bring supplies in by car. Maybe they agreed something with NR ?
That "void order" is truly weird. Not only can they not spell "principal", they don't seem to know what "dutifully" means. Was it for real ?
Yes indeed, used the Exeter group several times in the past. One word of warning (it happened to me): if your email address ever gets hacked, they will never let you back on again.