I understand that there is a spare slot at the bandstand during carnival week. I think a good idea would be for the, "at each others throats brigade", to have it out, there and then. Charge admission with all proceeds going to " Victims of internet trolling charity".
Yes OurSoul, I am here here for fun and there is precious little of it on this site. I don't believe in getting worked up and debating things that are absolutely out of people's control, I also don't like some people on here taking the view that if your view is different to theirs, then you are an idiot or worse. On this occasion though as a strictly one off and at the risk of ...
I think it was a typo burnside, it should have been dour.
Mean Woman Blues, much more appropriate.
There's only one joke on here.
I did wonder how long this particular thread would take before it degenerated into a slanging match with the usual catalyst at the helm?
I guess a labour life peer could be added to the aforementioned baddies.
Yes, I bribed a Chief Inspector in the Met with one.
If you register with streetlife.com and post on there, then you will get a result.
Sorry Duckileaks, I don't do serious or fishcakes. But I expect you noticed.