Exactly, price depends on local competition, Sainsburys in Dawlish didn't need to keep low petrol prices after the initial opening discount as the only competiton is Marine Garage. As long as their prices are similar then they are not competing. Initially Marine dropped his price to compete with Sainsburys but as Sainsburys put their prices up the price now it is almost the same as it was when ...
The badge holder is often not the driver as may not be capable of driving but it is very annoying to see the abuse of these badges. I have seen many times people park cars in Dawlish, put the blue badge in the window, put on their rucksacks and go hiking for the day. The person who 'owns' the badge is supposed to be in the vehicle, when the badge is used, but this is often not the case. Although a ...
Change of use is supposed to be applied for if you are going to use the shop for as different purpose, most people don't bother if it is retailing except for food. Food sales have many different ratings depending whether food is to be hot or cold, and also if it is just for consumption in the shop or takeaway. I don't actually know what all these variations are but they have various designations ...
wondering is quite right, I worked in a govt callcentre and when we had reached the daily target for answering the number of calls one some days people were asked if they wanted to go home early. One manager explained this to me, "If we go over our target for the day we will get increased targets so when we reach the daily target we prefer people not to have their calls answered so we don't go ...
Yes Nelson, Street parking is run by Devon County Council and the Car Parks by Teignbridge. The free Sunday parking is offered by Teignbridge, ie Car Parks but street parking is still chargeable. You can park at anytime 24/7 with a blue badge in the street (controlled by DCC) but need a permit from the TDC if you want to park for free in the carparks, that is quite silly. Actually free street ...
The council can't reduce rents unless they own the shops, I don't know if any shop premises in Dawlish are council owned, probably all are privately owned. Business rates were increased quite dramatically by Teignbridge Council last year even though domestic rates stayed the same, business rates were reduced by a govt initiative based on rateable value. Premises rated at less than £5k were rates ...
Definately, I worked in a jobcentre and was not allowed to give information about job vacancies to a spouse due to Data Protection, the person requesting the information had to contact me. Totally ridiculous, then the govt sells personal information to anyone for money and that doesn't contravene the Data Protection Act!!!!
There are 2 versions of the Electoral roll, one is sold to companies so they have the addresses of all those people but being on that list is optional, by ticking the relevant box your name and details are excluded from the Electoral Roll which is available for sale. You need to read everything these days, I subscribe to a lot of online stuff and many by default tell you your details will be ...
Brazilnut, you are quite right, running a succesful business means providing what the customer wants. I'm old enough to have seen many businesses, from engineering to restaurants close down due to the owners providing what they 'think' the customer wants. I personally can't stand campsites in any form and have only been on them to visit friends who were staying there. However, from speaking to ...
The problem is that these cold callers make money otherwise they wouldn't continue. I usually just hang up, occasionally have a few words, depending on my mood or what the caller says to me, can be fun!! If everyone just didn't respond these people would stop as it wouldn't be worthwhile. I have never subscribed to anything like the tps and get very few calls and have never had a repeat call from ...