It would be maintained by the council if it was public? That would be the benefit surely?
It would make you a bit wary about taking on the lease wouldn't it.
They're talking about changing part of the name/postcode of the infamous road through the new estate
Sainsburys are restructuring and they are reducing the tiers of management. I understand dept manager will have to reapply for their jobs and team leaders roles will be changed.
@leatash - completely agree. i can't imagine having to do that and know that i wouldn't be able to.
I care. I care who my ancestors were as this is history. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
Is this the Twilight Zone or a bad version of Facebook? I'm surprised not to be asked to say Amen too.
Following Teignbridge District Councillor Humphrey Clemens’ public outburst at last week’s Town Council meeting, where I consider inappropriate language was used and untrue statements made, I am writing an open letter in response. In September 2014, I started a petition against the proposed compulsory purchase of Warren Farm by Teignbridge District Council. The land was wanted as ‘Suitable ...
Not much choice at all for TDC :(
that's helpful, thanks @Lynne