Lynne, you say two/three fields [of grade 1 agricultural land] at most. How many fields are there at Warren Farm? That land is used for non-agricultural purposes for more than the four months that you claim, of that I can 100% assure you. With regards to the house that he wants to build on this grade 1 agricultural land, I wonder how much that would cost to build?
Yes Lynne, you're right about all of that grade 1 agricultural land being used for non-agricultural purposes during Spring, Summer and Autumn. I'm surprised little has been mentioned about Farmer Weeks wanting to build a house on this grade 1 agricultural land.
Maybe this is a naïve question, but what are the reasons why Farmer Weeks can't use the money he'll receive from the inevitable CPO proceeds, to buy alternative farming land? We keep being told by his supporters that alternative land is available for the SANGS, so surely it must also be available to Farmer Weeks?
Just wanted to say well done to Roger for his 40 years public service. The recognition he's received in the local press is thoroughly deserved: Exeter Road Post Office postmaster Roger Honey is celebrating an amazing 40 years’ service with the Post Office. Mr Honey was presented with a 40-year Long Service Award from Gary Adderley, Post Office Agents Contract Manager. The 71 year old ...
Whilst I'm vehemently against the privatisation of social services such as care homes, it certainly does sound that an organisation such as Red Devon Housing are a morally decent compromise.
Thanks Lynne. So the answer to Kaz's question is "never". If there's no money to keep Daw Vale open, then it goes without saying that there's no money to build a replacement and keep that open.
1. Why is Daw Vale closing? 2. Who sold the land to Redrow?