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Smuggy 5

Smuggy 5's Posts

I've thought long and hard about this one. How about "Bring Me Sunshine"? You might think I'm taking the mickey, but when you read the words, they're so perfect!

It depends upon whether or not you're playing with your children. I probably wouldn't use the f-word around my kids, even though they know how to spell it.

Lamb Loin Steaks
4 Aug 2008

Don't mess around with them. Plainly grilled and served with the freshest possible spuds & green veg/salad is best. Obviously no gravy, which would mask everything with its baby-tasting gloop. A little melted butter on the veg is all you need.

Yuck - I hate spiders! Now I'm going to have to check my wing mirrors every time I get into my car. Thanks a bunch! Sx

Youtube help please
4 Aug 2008

Do you have broadband? If not, that might be your problem. It's dead easy and cheap to upgrade these days.

New York New York wins it every time for me. Though I was spoilt last time I was there as we stayed at the Waldorf Astoria and ate at Gordon Ramsey's restaurant in the London Hotel. Great city with a great atmosphere! A trip around Central Park in a horse-drawn carriage is a must for any couple.

I tell you what, there are some interesting topics on here. I love Whitby - particularly the old town over the bridge. Real history and real fresh air.

We enjoy the culture of Barcelona - I'm afraid you can't beat a nice stroll along the Ramblas or a wander around Parc Guell. Give me City breaks over beach holidays any time.