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A Local

A Local's Posts

I will be phoning the council about this on Tuesday. Where I live there is a small alleyway which is well hidden and used as a dog toilet by the lazy ******* who don't clean up after their dogs. But how the hell do you catch them?

13 Feb 2005

Dawlish = Shidawl?

I really enjoyed my friday nights out @The South Devon , with the karaoke with ian and john.But they are not there no more any one know were they have gone to ?

What a shame no one seems to use this forum. It could be a really good place to air views about Dawlish - however only if people make the effort.

happy new year - keep up the good work!

Ditto !!!!!!!!!!!!

26 Dec 2004

Getting bored of answering you now.

26 Dec 2004

I cannot believe some of the attitudes on here!!

26 Dec 2004

Re moving elsewhere - don't you think that people should take an interest in where they live and try to improve it where necessary? Dawlish is a very nice place but it has allowed to fall into a state of decline from a combination of laziness and business interests. Some of us want to do something about it.

26 Dec 2004

I totally agree. If you dont like Bow Windows, shop opening times, and it seems Dawlish in general, why dont you move to somewhere that suits your needs ?