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Neoliberal Democrat

Neoliberal Democrat's Posts

I'm not the one keeping this thread going...

Like I wrote previously, I don't care whether you think my question is nonsense. In any case how can these so called 'misguided' folk agree or disagree with a question? A statement maybe, but not a question. Teignbridge District Council are in the business of commercial arrangements these days (Bovis, Strongvox, Cavanna, Redrow), but not necessarily in the best interests of those who live ...

27 May 2016

What for? a cut of the profits? Will TDC recoup the £100K. I don't care whether you think my question is nonsense.

27 May 2016

So what's the TDC payment of £100K for? A backhander?

@Ol' Lady Biker. It is different if 3 people overheard. The Intercom Trust would be able to offer support and advice. I think contributors inadvertentaly confirm that b) and c) are very likely.

@leatash .  you're being too hard on yourself, your post is not stupid and irrelevant, you raise some good points. Thank you so much for looking into the legislation, I stand corrected you obviously do care a great deal about this subject, having gone to so much trouble. I sometimes remove rubbish such as a plastic bottle from the beach. If this constitutes breaking the law, I'll just join ...

@Purrrrrfect . Do you think whales are amphibians??!! Bloody Hilarious! haha

I'm definitely not a Lib Dem supporter but Tim Farron says this; "Look at the other side - Farage, Johnson and Goldsmith - the most conservative forces in British politics have already made their agenda clear. "These 'Go' rallies are one lurid blazer away from John Redwood's fantasy cabinet." They are English nationalists who want to reduce workers’ rights, reduce environmental ...

I heard it's £2000 at Chesil beach, but then it's an environment that's sensitive to coastal erosion. Dawlish on the other hand will never be breached by the sea as our natural and man made coastal defences are more than adequate.

Dawlish is Happy?? Unbelievable. What as long as you don't mention gays?