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Dawlish News

Need a cull of seagulls but the do gooders would be up in arms, should be named landgulls as majority of time surviving on fish suppers / bin contents and duck food. Not the first time gulls have killed  potential adult swans by killing young cygnets a few years ago.

Probably did not meet BBC diversity tick box criteria e.g one disabled person one non white person etc etc

So after our local MP "warned " the goverment to continue this ( see Nov MDA report post ) it seems they have taken no notice of him but hey its good lib dem  PR to pretend  as if the labour goverment ever would listen to a minority party.

Third time this story is on.

A christmas break-in? Was this last year ?

Why dont the police just get on with their jobs instead of anti social week and now white ribbon campaign?

What about the manor bridge replacement ?

"Warned" ??? Yes i am sure stamer is not sleeping at night after being warned.

Dont see how it could be made safer as a) its a main road, so no speed bumps for example could be put in the road B) There are 2 zebra crossings in that area  so its not a fast race area along with the normal speed limit for that section of road. You cannot leglislate for all drivers as regards accidents no matter how safe or unsafe the road is.  Looks like peoples knee jerk reaction regarding ...

Anti social behaviour week ???? Should it not be police policy EVERY DAY ????