Haven't they got more productive things to do with their time, how about cutting back overgrown grass verges bushes etc that the council no longer cares about or is that against climate change too?
Yes we are very busy with hate crimes and woke issues.
£3000 savings ??/ must have money to burn
What a load of rubbish, have the councillors got nothing better to do. Who is going to measure the lead? who is going to enforce the rules ? another out of touch with reality decision by the jobsworths. The councillors should be concentrating on more important issues like potholes, anti-social behaviour, vandalism, litter, improvements to the town as dawlish is going down the tubes. Sooner ...
old news
A poo bin located on the actual promanade would have been useful as there seems to be a reluctance for some dog owners to pivk up their pets dump on the walkway
With hindsight an award that would not have been needed if South West Rail had spent money on infrastructure improvements, ( knowing how dodgy Dawlish line was to the sea ) and not shareholders profits when they ran the franchise.
Are they going hang about the riverside centre at night to practise. anti-social behaviour underage drinking /drug abuse or will it just be hide and seek................?
Is there a hidden agenda here after not getting promotion................
Be aware its only a matter of time before the council looks for more money to replace the bin drivers that have left or offer the current drivers more money. Cant wait until elections to get this mob out , but the down side is swapping one shower for another..................