@Teignpot - reported, for the obvious reasons.
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The blind leading the blind comes to mind. What are they probationers or students? It will be like watching a bunch of zombies wandering around. It's about the only time you will ever see copper's in Dawlish who stick around for more than a minute as well.
Oh dear the colour of my skin stops me being successful, baaaaaa, baaaaa, baaaaaa, snoooooooore.
Wait for all the ignorant cyclists and skateboarders to start flying up and down the smooth concrete.
Environmental charity Surfers' Against Sewage has issued alerts around the county Dawlish Coryton Cove Storm sewage has been discharged from a sewer overflow in this location within the past 48 hours. A sewer overflow discharges over the rocks at the southern end of the beach. See more... https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/not-swim-warnings-issued-13-6027406
A poo bin located on the actual promanade would have been useful as there seems to be a reluctance for some dog owners to pivk up their pets dump on the walkway
With hindsight an award that would not have been needed if South West Rail had spent money on infrastructure improvements, ( knowing how dodgy Dawlish line was to the sea ) and not shareholders profits when they ran the franchise.
Are they going hang about the riverside centre at night to practise. anti-social behaviour underage drinking /drug abuse or will it just be hide and seek................?
Following devastating storms in 2014, which caused significant disruption to the railway connecting Devon and Cornwall to the rest of the UK, Network Rail established the South West Rail Resilience Programme (SWRRP) to protect Dawlish’s rail infrastructure from future extreme weather. Read more... https://www.dredgingtoday.com/2021/10/05/bam-nuttall-wins-another-well-deserved-award/