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Dawlish News

@1263 Ziggy reads these posts so you can be sure Dawson will be aware. The petition wasn't really ever about getting a response from her own party and Council about the bridge. It was an opportunity to appear on the side of local people. The Lib Dems keep an eye open for where they might be able to gain public support and then climb aboard whatever campaign or issue is concerning local people ...

21 May 2024

@1263 That'd be the petition she set up in order to petition the ruling Lib Dem party that she's part of in the District Council that she now chairs?

21 May 2024

She's just another Lib Dem Stooge, she'll do whatever Wrigley tells her to do. Hearing her advocacy on health and wellness matters is also tiresome, if not hollow and it's hard to take her seriously.

We have a mental health pandemic and mental health services are cut to the bone. This sort of tragic incident is becoming more commonplace. I don't understand why people reading these reports are so surprised and never see the correlation between criminality and mental health conditions. Anyone who kills, especially their Mother is far from sane, yet he was living amongst the wider community ...

@1263 We might have had a Town Council by-election after J Petherick resigned, but as 10 or more electors didn't write to the Council submitting statutory requests for an election they'll just co-opt somebody. That's if anyone is actually interested in local politics, has any confidence in it and wants to serve on a Council dominated by Wrigley. Crime Commissioners are a waste of time, money ...

The inquest is taking an awfully long time. The press have reported ill mental health, which wouldn't be surprising for a young girl and the trauma of war-torn Ukraine, being made a refugee, coming to a strange country, etc. Then reports that Mother and daughter were happy and settling well here, then reports of a cardiac arrest, no suspicious activity based on her phone, CCTV footage, etc and ...

@1263 Yes, it's pretty feudal. Maybe a Director or two does an hour here or there, but judging from the website the sessions are predominantly delivered by unpaid workers. They don't even pay the Ukrainian translator who's an 'ad-hoc' volunteer, that's a highly skilled role. Nowadays the core work of charities and social entreprises ...

19 Feb 2024

Dawlish News (MId Devon Advertiser) can't even get the basics right. Roots Community Enhancement is not a charity. It is a 'social' entreprise, a Community Interest Company (CIC) Company number 11375189 It relies on unpaid workers (volunteers) to deliver just over 4 hours of provision weekly plus just under 3 hours additional hours one day a month. In 2022/23 around 70% of ...