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General Discussion

16 Jun 2008

Not in Kernow Ha ha

16 Jun 2008

Because they are no longer impartial and have a Left-Wing biase.

Totally agree Bardwell, and far better than spending your money with someone that will then take that money out of our economy.

14 Jun 2008

Your missing the point Olive. When you go abroad and see these markets, they are selling proper authentic produce. What we will get is cheap versions of French, german and Dutch food, sold to us by Polish,Latvian and Rumanians dressed as French, Dutch and Germans. Its like saying all Brits travel around in Black Cabs,Red Double deck buses, wear trilby hats and personally know the queen. These ...

13 Jun 2008

Why would this bring people in to the town? Every city and town in the land has had one of these markets.Its 10 years too late.They are now just a travelling band of cheap, tacky food , drink and mementoes.Most stalls arent even run by French or German people. They are usually Polish or Romanian with a few Turks. As i've already said, get a decent British Farmers market and you will see people ...

13 Jun 2008

You can't beat these markets, false rank food,it's oh so traditional.Cheap fodder for the gullible masses. I've also had the horseburger and the deer sausages.Slimey snails go down a treatand the Knats piss ale is nectar.Shame we cant have a British Market.How can this be supported by the chamber of commerce , when all the profits go abroad?