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General Discussion

Also , how safe are we anyway, when the government leak or lose our files and personal details!

6 Jan 2008

Hi, hmmm, i agree totally, i think if ID Cards were issued to everyone, i think the world would be a much safer place, i know it means more or less having information about us 24/7, and some people would not be happy, but its no more than what iformation we voluntarily give without realising it, and like you say, only someone with something to hide, would have a problem with it.

6 Jan 2008

So whats new! This is the same information that any supermarket card has on their shoppers, also Store cards, Visa, any credit card, all these have your financial details, when, where, and what you purchace, address, email, tel no and various other details. Add to that, speed cameras,and security cameras, one way or another Big Brother is watching!Maybe , if a lot of this information was used ...